Bangladesh has witnessed record-cold in this winter. On 10 January, it was 3.4 Celsius in Saidpur and was lowest since 1968. Last one week, temperature has gone up and more like spring though cold air remains in the morning and the evening.

In Bangladesh, along the streets you see small shops and stalls selling teas and  different kind of snacks. Or some are selling on the street.  Boiled eggs are special for the winter as eggs are considered to warm your body. 
These photos were taken near PAPRI, one of our partner in Narsingdi. Steam comes out from the bottom so that boiled eggs will not be cold.P1030478.JPG

Upon the costumer’s request, egg will be shelled, halved and served with a piece of newspaper. Very simple and efficient.

Price are depend on the kind of eggs. Broiler eggs are 12 taka (12 yen). Jidori, a kind of 
wild chiken’s eggs are 15 taka (15 yen) so as duck eggs. Price may be higher in Dhaka.


In the ferry, men with small baskets are selling eggs.

A man met in the Ferry the other day told me that he sell 100 eggs per day and his daily profit is about 300 taka. This man said he sells eggs every other day and engages in farming on the rest of the month. I guess his income from this trade meet day to day expenses.


家族が何人いて、うち稼ぎがあるのが何人か聞かなかったので彼の家の経済規模は判らないが、ゆで卵を通してバングラデシュの経済の一端が見えた(気がした)。It would be more interesting if I asked him a number of his family and availability of other income sources. But at least I could have some idea on boiled egg trade.