
I have been out of Dhaka from July 6 to 12 to accompany Secretary General and 2 staff from Shapla Neer Tokyo office who visited Bangladesh to monitor some of the project. 

Bangladesh’s major transportations, such as trains and air planes are really Dhaka-centered. So if you want to move from a city to another city, it may give you a lot of trouble.    


<ジョソールを過ぎてかなり人が減った車内:Most of passengers got off at Jessor, so it’s rather empty in the train>


We visited two places this time. Dinajipur in north-west and Khulna/Bagerhat in south-west. From Dhaka to Diajipur, it took 8 hours by a car and we visited Santal Educational Development  Project. Then we took a non-air-conditioned diesel train from Dinajipur to Khulna and it took 9 hours. But Khulna was not our final destination. Another 4 and a half hour drive to Bagerhat was waiting for us in the following day.


<短い停車時間に列車に乗り込もうとする人たち: Passengers rushed in as train stopped only  few minutes>


Though I used a train from Dhaka to Chittagong last month, the Dinajipur – Khulna route was more local and less facility. I just remembered me and my friend were squeezed in crowded trains in India 20 years ago. I wished our trip this time is not as hard as that of India. 


<4人掛けの席が向かい合う8人キャビン。頭上には荷物置き兼寝台が:In this cabin, there are 2 benchs which accomodate 4 person>

結論からいうと、 ダッカのスタッフが8人キャビン(個室)に席を確保していてくれたこともあって 列車は心配するほど悪くはなかった。エアコンがないので途中かなり暑かったけれど、ヤギや鶏と一緒になることもなく、途中頭上の寝台に横になったりしながら、のんびりと車窓の田園景色を楽しんで移動することができた。

Train tripwas notbadatall. As we booked seats in the cabin, it never be over-crowded. It was very hot without A/C, but no goats or chickens/hens were allowed, at least, in our cabin. I even lie down on berth over our head, or enjoyed the landscape from the train window. It was a short and good escape from daily affairs.

<停車中におじさんから買ったピーナッツ。スパイシーな塩の小さな包みが2つついて5タカでした:Peanuts with spicy salt was only 5 taka.>
